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Iceland Day7 Stórikarl Skoruvíkurbjarg

The other nesting site of the white-rumped plover is located around the northeast tip of Iceland, at a place named Stórikarl Skoruvíkurbjarg. I previewed the road here yesterday, and it was the hardest road I have ever taken. It is just so great that Google Navi show this road as a road.

Yesterday and today I am staying AirBnB at a farm in this vicinity. It is a 50-minute road from there. The vastness of the area, with its many horses and sheep grazing on the road, makes it very pleasant. However, the road gets steeper and steeper. There are many sharp and medium-sized stones scattered all over the mountain path, and even Google guides you to a slightly strange path (which is no longer a path at all) along the way. Basically, it is a straight road all the way. After a interesting wooden object like a watchtower appears on the way, you will arrive at your destination.

Since the nesting site is located at the bottom of a cliff, there are footholds for observation. The footholds are made of metal and are quite solid, but it took me a while to get used to them because I can see through them to the ground. The distance to the Northern Gunner is closer than at the nesting site visited yesterday, but the composition is looking down on them. Good thing is that I am able to observe the nesting birds from above. I focused on photographing and recording such scenes.

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