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  • Puffin
  • カモメ類
  • 車のみ
  • 近くに大きな町はなく、ゲストハウスなどに泊まることになる。
  • 道は完全未舗装。
  • 断崖絶壁の上に位置し、Puffinはこの断崖に営巣している。
  • Puffinの活動が盛んになるのは明け方と日没近辺。時期としては4~8月で、8月中旬くらいから海に戻っていくとのこと。
  • Puffinとの距離は近いため、レンズは200~400mmで撮りやすい。
  • Puffinは滑空するというよりもがむしゃらに羽ばたいて飛ぶ。また一直線に飛んでいることが多くとても特徴的なため、遠くからでもPuffinが飛んでいるのは認識できる。


About this Location

This cliff in the west fjord of Iceland is famous as a nesting place for puffins. There is nothing special around it, but it is also roped off to prevent people from falling off the cliff. Tourists are common during the day, but in the morning and evening, when Puffin are more active, there is almost no one around.

What kind of birds can we see?
  • Puffin
  • seagulls
  • Cars only
Shooting locations and tips
  • There are no large towns nearby, and you will have to stay in guesthouses.
  • The road is completely unpaved.
  • Located on a cliff Puffin nests on this cliff.
  • Puffin are most active at dawn and near sunset. The time of year is from April to August, and they return to the ocean around mid-August.
  • Because of the close distance to Puffin, the lens of 200~400mm is the best to shoot.
  • Puffins fly by flapping their wings rather than gliding. They often fly in a straight line, which is so distinctive that Puffin can be recognized from a distance.
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