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Raudinupur Cape





車のみ。Google Naviだと少し地図情報が粗く、間違ったルートを案内されるので注意 (2023年9月時点)。Raudinupur Capeの両端に道路があり、すぐ近くの西側の道路は封鎖されているため、東側 (2kmほど離れている) から向かう必要がある。現地と東側の道路の間には大きな湖があるが、Google Mapでは表示されていない。具体的には下の地図のトレッキングのポイントを参照。

  • 近くに大きな町などはないが、ゲストハウスや民泊はいくつかある。
  • 道路は舗装されていない。
  • 駐車場から現地まで2kmくらいのトレッキングが必要。途中で同じく営巣しているキョクアジサシが威嚇してくる場所がある(ちょうど上の地図のトレッキングマークのあた理、湖畔)。私はちょっと怖かったので帽子とフードを被り足早に去った。
  • 営巣地は円柱状の岩の上で、海から突き出している。撮影ポイントとなる崖の上と岩の上がちょうど同じくらいの高さとなる。撮影ポイントは崖になり、崖の手前にロープや柵があるわけではないので十分注意が必要。
  • 撮影ポイントから岩までの距離はそこそこあり、600mmは最低必要。ただし、旋回している鳥とほぼ同じ高さに立つことができる。
  • 基本的に、誰もいない。同じく撮影をすると思われる人と行き帰りで1~2人すれ違う程度。

Raudinupur Cape

Nesting site of Northern Gannet in northeastern Iceland. Hundreds of Northern Gannet congregate on a columnar rock protruding from the sea, which they also circle around. Offshore, Northern Gannet can also be observed diving into the sea. In addition to the Northern Gannet, there are a variety of other seabirds, and for the purpose of their protection, pets and drones are not allowed. A trek of about 2 km is required from the parking lot to the site.

What kind of birds can we see?

Northern Gannet


There are roads at east and west side of Raudinupur Cape, and the west side road is closed, so you have to go from the east side (about 2 km away). There is a large lake between the site and the road on the east side, but it is not shown on Google Maps. See the trekking points on the map below for specifics.

Shooting locations and tips
  • There are no large towns nearby, but there are several guesthouses and private accommodations.
  • The road is not paved.
  • A trek of about 2 km is required from the parking lot to the site. On the way there, there is a place where the Arctic terns, which are also nesting there, may threaten you (just by the lakeside, at the trekking mark on the map above). I was a bit scared, so I put on a hat and hood and left quickly.
  • The nesting site is on a columnar rock, jutting out from the sea. The cliff top and the top of the rock are just about the same height. The photo point is on a cliff, and there are no safety ropes or fences on the edge of the cliff, so be very careful.
  • The distance from the shooting point to the rock is quite a bit, requiring a minimum of 600mm. However, you can stand at about the same height as the circling bird.
  • Basically, no one is around. I only pass 1~2 people on my way to and from the site who are also supposed to be taking pictures.
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