Lake Kutcharo
It is the third northernmost Ramsar wetland registered in Japan and a migratory stopover site for tundra swans. The origin of the name of this place is, like other places in Hokkaido, Ainu, meaning "the river mouth from which the…
This swamp was registered as a Ramsar site in 2005, and along with nearby Izunuma, it is famous as one of Japan's most popular places for White-fronted geese to visit. Compared to Izunuma, the area of the swamp is smaller…
Terugasaki Coast
This is the flying site of a mysterious bird, the Green pigeon, which drinks seawater. The males have reddish shoulders that would remind you of doves. They fly more than 10km from Tanzawa Mountains, that locates northern of Hakone, west…
北海道の釧路湿原に隣接し、タンチョウの観察地として有名な村です。 かつて絶滅寸前(というか絶滅したと思われていた)だったタンチョウは、給餌活動によって1,800羽まで復活しました。 鶴居村では、鶴居・伊東タンチョウサンクチュアリがタンチョウを観察できる代表的な場所であり、このような給餌活動が行われ、現在も継続している場所の一つです。 丹頂鶴は日本最大の鳥で、最も美しく(と私は思っている)、優雅な鳥であり、2月に見られる氷の舞によって、その美しさはさらに増している。 アイヌでは「湿原の神」と呼ばれ、その踊りは確かに神々しく、どこか妖精のようでもあります(妖精は絶対に見たくないけど)。
Tsurui Village
The village is located near Kushiro Marsh in Hokkaido and is famous as a place to observe red-crowned cranes. The Japanese red-crowned crane was once nearly extinct (or rather, thought to be extinct), and through feeding activities, the number has…